THE MARKETER SETH Godin says the purpose of an elevator pitch “is to describe a situation or solution so compelling that the person you’re with wants to hear more even after the elevator ride is over.” Following are some eyecare biz owners we’d like to hear more from, thanks to their contributions to 2021 INVISION Big Survey. Here they make their best case for what they do for a living, before the person next to them can press the “open door” button.
- “I help people see.”
- “I create custom eyewear to help people be seen while seeing better.”
- “A passion for collecting and restoring eyewear from the golden age and pursuit of producing frames using old world materials and techniques.”
- “If your eyes are a bother, give me a holler!”
- “I help people to see better, look better and feel better.”
- “Integrative optometry is an incredible profession. We can look at the eyes to learn about the health and wellness of the individual, as well as how they process information and interact with their environment. We have the tools to help people see better, live healthier and enhance their potential.”
- “I’m able to help 16 people every day.”
- “I am an eyewear guru. I can make you look like a rock star. I sell medical devices, but they don’t need to look like one.”
- “I help people see the world they live in.”
- “I treat one of your most important senses. I give you vision and insight into your health, with a twist of style, all while having a good time in the process.”
- “Providing the gift of vision to mankind.”
- “The only place where fashion meets physics.”
- “We don’t sell garbage.”
- “I think your eyes should be as well dressed as you are, and there is not one pair of glasses that is perfect for everything.”
- “We help how you look at others—but also how others look at you!”
- “I own an optical shop. I’m like the pharmacist is to the doctor. The doctor writes the Rx: I fill it.”
- “We keep you seeing.”
- “I’m blessed to be able to help people see what they’ve been missing.”
The 2021 Big Survey was carried out between September and October, attracting nearly 400 anonymous responses from owners and managers of independent vision businesses across the United States. The full results were published in the November issue of INVISION and are available online.