I AM SURE YOU are all familiar with déjà vu — the sensation that you’ve been here and done this before while simultaneously knowing that isn’t really possible?
That’s what Vision Expo East felt like for me this year.
It was my 10th Vision Expo East, but in many ways it felt entirely new. The scenery and many of the faces looked familiar, but a lot of it was also completely foreign.
It almost felt like switching school districts. I already knew some of the kids from my old neighborhood but I found myself having to introduce myself to a bunch of new classmates. I met a lot of great new people, explored companies I was unfamiliar with, and learned a ton of new things, but mostly I learned that I have so much more to learn about this multifaceted, fascinating and complicated industry we’re all a part of.
Becoming the editor-in-chief of INVISION is like the ultimate master class, and I am honored I get to both learn from and educate our readers on everything I discover from each of you.
I know many of our readers went to the show. I even had the pleasure of meeting many of you! (Hi again!) So tell me, what incredible new things did you learn coming out of Vision Expo East?
Sign up for our Brain Squad invmag.us/brainsquad, Facebook message Facebook page or Tweet us (@InvisionMag) or just go old-school and shoot me an email. I would love to hear what fascinating bit of knowledge you took away from the show and how you will be bringing it back to your staff or practice.
I look forward to our continued learning together!
Best wishes for your business,

➤ Cross-promote with a local nail salon or spa. (Manager’s To-Do, page 19)
➤Blur a parent’s vision to get him to see what his child sees to explain the need for glasses. (Family Matters, page 42)
➤ To reach young athletes in your community, sponsor a baseball team. (Intelligence, page 53)
➤ Want to attract more kids’ business? Put a sign in your window saying you love them. (Tip Sheet, page 54)
➤ Make your warranty kid-friendly. (Ask INVISION, page 66)