- We have been featured in the last few INVISION mags and are so excited about it! Check out our third-generation story in the October issue! Thank you to all at INVISION! Sydney Tramontano, Woolf Eye Lab, Pasadena, MD
EDITOR’S NOTE: You too could be featured in the pages of INVISION! If you’re an owner or manager, join our Brain Squad, fill out our short monthly surveys, and VOILA! Your name in print! Join at invisionmag.com/brainsquad.
- Seems like technology is continuing to improve. Love it. Caitlin Neal, San Juan Eye Center, Montrose, CO
- The information in each issue helps us measure the bar for how our optical is running compared to the rest of the industry. Mitch Peterson, Seek Eye Care, Victoria, MN
- INVISION helped inspire me to become an independent. You have wonderful content. It is the only publication I tend to read cover to cover. Jennifer Yerden, Sights and Shades, Canandaigua, NY
- Love INVISION Magazine! We have been fortunate to be in your magazine a few times over the years. Keep up the great work. I appreciate every issue! Don Stahl, Bixby Eye Center, Peoria, IL
EDITOR’S NOTE: [cough] Join the Brain Squad. [cough] invisionmag.com/brainsquad.