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Business & Practice Management

The Bottom Line: 3 Easy Fixes to Improve Your … Bottom Line

It isn’t always about increased revenue, reducing ostensibly fixed expenses can be a simpler and more straightforward approach.




Many practices believe the only way to enhance their bottom lines is by increasing patient exams and sales. However, if we analyze the equation Net Income = Total Revenue – Total Expenses, we see reducing ostensibly fixed expenses can be a simpler and more straightforward approach.

1. Merchant Services – You are likely paying too much for merchant services. Losing a few extra cents on every swipe or tap may not seem significant, but it can accumulate to thousands of dollars annually. The solution is a simple switch that takes just a few minutes! Compare your current rates to ODs on Finance Merchant Services (

2. Lab Costs – An optical lab should not be utilized simply if it is inexpensive. However, lab bills are a major expense for most practices. Compare and leverage different labs to ensure the highest quality and fastest turnaround times at the lowest price.

3. Tax Burden – Employing a skilled tax pro or CPA who specializes in optometry and can review your books may significantly reduce your tax liability. Taxes can be one of the largest expenses a business faces, and investing in an expert can be immensely valuable.

Owners tend to focus on increasing the number of patients and sales to grow a practice’s bottom line, as they should. However, by harnessing the power of cost reduction practices can achieve significant savings. Ultimately, boosting profitability leads to a more robust and financially healthy practice.



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