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We Asked if You Did or Did Not Have a Dedicated Display for Clearance

In one of our widest margins this year, only 28% of you said you did. We have the reasons behind your answers.




We Asked if You Did or Did Not Have a Dedicated Display for Clearance
Do you have a dedicated display for inventory clearance?

Yes: 28%

  • Usually for second pair no warranty, EyeMed out-of-network, myopia management backup or contact lens wearers’ home pair. — Patti Richard, Family Eye Care, North Andover, MA
  • Yes and no. We introduce everyone to all the glasses sections but we do have a super saver package that we offer which is a low-cost package and we utilize really low-cost frames and some frames that reps will not take back if they have not visited our office in over a year. We also edge our own lenses in house which keeps the lens cost really low. We only offer this package as a last resort if someone is questioning taking their Rx and ordering online or at Walmart to keep them from coming back to us with issues that we know always occur when they get online products. We also utilize those frames for patients that choose to use their old brittle frames and don’t purchase new frames because when they break, we can offer them a product at no-cost for a replacement and keep them happy! — Caitlin Neal, San Juan Eye Center, Montrose, CO
  • We periodically change how we handle clearance. When our inventory is lower we sometimes will fill the holes on our boards with the clearance product and advertise the sale. Other times, when we’ve brought in new, exciting lines and have an abundance of frames, the clearance items get stored away in a rolling cart that we will showcase when asked. — Christine Howard, Eyes on Plainville, Plainville, MA
  • We have it clearly identified and in a separate area that we can send patients to. — Laura Miller, OD, Northwest Hills Eye Care, Austin, TX
  • If price on frames becomes an issue I will discuss a less expensive option. We always try to sell premium lenses over premium frames. What is more important looking better or seeing better? — BJ Chambers, Carrera Optical, McQueeney, TX
  • We have sale frames that are 50% off without warranty. We describe them as new frames that we no longer have a relationship with the vendor. — Bethany Cassar, Complete Eye Health, Holland, MI
  • Each location has a clearance case. — Danielle Doniver, Heritage Optical, Detroit, MI
  • It is featured when patient is cost conscious. — Sonja Franklin, OD, Modern Eyes, Austin, TX
  • I keep them all in a glass case so it brings them a lot of attention! I will direct them to them if they ask about sales or express a tight budget. No warranty on the frames. — Lindsey Pulford, Insights Eyecare, Manhattan, KS
  • We don’t do this often, but when we do, the frames are placed in an area where they are easily seen. — Mark Perry, OD, Vision Health Institute, Orlando, FL
  • We offer our sizeable Clearance rack at 70% off retail and explain to customers that those frames are not billable to insurance and that there is no warranty on them. When we discuss that product we often use it as a second pair(suns/computer/reading/alternate spectacle) option allowing us to sell premium lenses. Because most clearance items are just regular frames that are discontinued we know the quality is still fantastic. And in the event a frame does break we offer solutions for the customer so they do not lose their lenses. — Todd Lapointe, VIP EYES, Portland, ME
  • The display is separated from other inventory and customers are directed their only when balking at frame cost. — Dave Schultz, OD, Urban Optics, San Luis Obispo, CA
  • We tell our patients these are prior year durable frames and we have marked them down to save them on a high-quality frame. — Robert M. Easton Jr. OD, FAAO, Oakland Park, FL
  • We have a good handle on our inventory and for the most part do not have an issue selling off product. The first thing we do is reduce the price to a nice round figure somewhere around a 30% discount. The frames are then added to our more economical line of frame on a separate spindle. We will promote for second pair and offer a second pair lens discount. — Pam Housley, Texas State Optical of Nederland, Port Arthur, TX
  • We have it displayed with signage. We direct patients to it when they are wanting something closer to their insurance coverage. We also do a “pre-clearance” by incentivizing the product to our team prior to putting it on sale. It makes more sense to us to reward employees $10 than it is to sell it 50% off. — Lorie Fox, Bakersfield Eye Care, Bakersfield, CA
  • No we use it a lot for 2nd pairs We let the patients know they are last season’s so they get a great frame at a great price. — Kristina Jordan, The Eye Site, Mishawaka, IN
  • We have a small area with signage that specifies what is on clearance (discounted). We do not direct patients too it unless a style is there that would work well for them or if they are price sensitive. — Zachary Dirks, OD, St. Peter and Belle Plaine Eyecare Centers, Saint Peter, MN

No: 72%

  • Depending on the product rarity, product will be marked down with a * next to the price, but still placed within the collection. This will help the optician with multiple pair opportunities. Putting tinted lenses in stagnant frames has been one of the best ideas to sell frames that have been sitting in the optical. Highlighting the stagnant frames unique features or any special attributes that make them stand out on social media is a good way to get exposure for the piece as well. — Heather Harrington, Optical Nomad, Colorado
  • We tend to sell through most of our stock pretty easily, and the frame reps are good about refreshing inventory. — Nick Stubblefield, Eye Care Avenue, Frisco, Texas
  • We work with our frame reps to return stock that isn’t selling. If we have some we are “stuck” with for a long time, we will use those when asked to donate to a charity auction. — Kelsey Bredice, A Proper View, Winston-Salem, NC
  • We try to sell down return product before it is discontinued. Otherwise, we have frame reps that will do buyouts for a discount on their lines. — Pam Peters, Midwest Eye, Downers Grove, IL
  • We have discontinued inventory in trays in our lab. We use those if someone has broken their frame and needs us to put lenses in something to get them by (if the lenses fit). We will also use them if someone is really in need and we only charge them $40. Some patients are aware we keep them and ask us to look through our discontinued with the understanding that they will NOT be covered under warranty. — Morgan DiMaggio, Taylor Eye Care, Carmi, IL
  • We have a drawer full of “retired” inventory, and there are people who come in specifically for the retired styles, understanding that there is no warranty and they are getting a bargain! — Jennifer Leuzzi, Mill Creek Optical, Dansville, NY
  • I’m still figuring it out but I did a one-day sale to close out frame styles and had the busiest, craziest day. It was successful. I sent out an email to clients and posted on social media and so many people came. Seems like a limited time frame helps. I have the remainder in a drawer and I’ll probably save them for the next one-day sale. — Kyla Skinner, Specs by Kyla, Atascadero, CA
  • We don’t have a dedicated display and we really don’t mention them unless a patient clearly states a price range. Most of our reps are excellent about exchanging frames so we don’t have much in clearance. — Maureen Garbis, Compass Eyecare, Oak Park, IL
  • We DO have a dedicated space for them, but they’re usually not on display. They’re in frame kits that we can pull out on request. Lens options that go in them are typically restricted to our Value Package offerings (cheaper lens options without warranties). — Jen Heller, Pend Oreille Vision Care, Sandpoint, ID
  • We do a once yearly “Half Price Frame Sale.” Some of our patients know about it and look forward to it each year. — Harris Decker, Eye Designs Of Westchester, Scarsdale, NY
  • All frames current…trade in when reps come into the office. — Chris Clark, Advanced Eye Care Optical Shoppe, Panama City, FL
  • We tend to exchange aged inventory for new styles. If we cannot than we mark it down in price but still leave it among the other frames. — Cynthia Sayers, OD, EyeShop Optical Center, Lewis Center, OH
  • We are a boutique, so although we may occasionally have some product we might sell at a discounted rate, we do not advertise it in any way. — Pablo Mercado, Highland Eye Boutique, Atlanta, GA
  • We don’t have a permanent display for old inventory. We have done a closeout table in the past where the closeouts are together and we leave it out for a month or so. If it’s product that can’t be exchanged or a line that we are closing out we often move it into a case that we use for budget conscious patients or patient’s that are referred to us through our lower income program that we work through with the school districts. — Travis LeFevre, Krystal Vision & LFVR Eyewear, Logan, UT

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