Get one free year of the publication American eyecare professionals love most!
It may be a century old, but its brand is sharp and modern.
Become a standout partner with your lab to make your lens ordering and dispensing so much easier.
You can have a successful and fulfilling career in the profession of optometry by applying these simple messages.
It’s the culmination of 40 years of business insight and fostering a dedicated staff.
A new sales philosophy could absolutely transform your optical business.
Pounding out that frustration via her bike, a good meal and a face mask has her ready to tackle the next day in no time.
Hyperlocal social networks keep you connected to the customers that really matter — your neighbors.
For the other 48% of you animals are a big nope.
It now affects one in three U.S. children and it is projected that half the world's population will be myopic by 2050.
"I am just so excited to see VEE back. I love NYC!"
Travel helps you become more generously-spirited and appreciative of your blessings.
Also what to look for when contemplating a mall lease … or any lease really.
Styles that nod toward the past and diagnostics that are all future.
Including knowing when to cut bait on a lost cause and a nifty little trick for checking a candidate's references that is completely above board.
School’s out: time to focus on Rx goggles, sunglasses … and back-to-school.
School nurses make great community partners and can be a fantastic funnel of kids into your practice.
It’s likely no coincidence that National Donut Day and Father’s Day happen in the same month.
Red, yellow and blue eyewear keep style the primary objective.
One of Detriot’s own gets an eyewear license and focusing on kids' eye health.
A half-dozen eyecare businesses talked INVISION through the demands and rewards of catering to tourists and other out-of-towners.
Put your own little stamp on frames, displays and wall decor, while patients can take their pressure and remove clutter at home.
How many of these do you use … or even know about?
An increase in luxury brands have made the list.
She was never called and where are his glasses? How would you handle this?
February 2025
January 2025